Breed Standard Of The Newfoundland
General Appearance
The Newfoundland is a sweet-dispositioned dog that acts neither dull or ill-tempered. He is a devoted companion. A multipurpose dog, at home on land and in water. The Newfoundland is capable of draft work and possesses natural life saving abilities.
The Newfoundland is a large, heavily coated, well balanced dog that is deep bodied, heavily boned, muscular and strong. A good specimen of the breed has dignity and proud head carriage.
The following description is that of the ideal Newfoundland. Any deviation from this ideal is to be penalized to the extent of the deviation. Structural and movement faults common to all working dogs are as undesirable in the Newfoundland as in any other breed, even though they are not specifically mentioned herein.
Size, Proportion, Substance
Average height for adult dogs is 28 inches, for adult bitches it is 26 inches. Approximate weight of adult dogs ranges from 130 - 150 pounds, adult bitches from 100 - 120 pounds. The dogs appearance is more massive throughout than the bitch's. Large size is desirable, but never at the expense of balance, structure and correct gait. The Newfoundland is slightly longer than tall when measured from the point of shoulder to point of buttocks and from withers to ground. He is a dog of considerable substance which is determined by spring of rib, strong muscle and heavy bone.
The head is massive, with a broad skull, slightly arched crown, and strongly developed occipital bone. Cheeks are well developed. Eyes are dark brown. (Browns and Grey's may have lighter eyes and should be penalized only to the extent of that colour that affects expression.) They are relatively small, deep-set, and spaced wide apart. Eyelids fit closely with no inversion. Ears are relatively small and triangular with rounded tips. They are set on the skull level with, or slightly above the brow and lie close to the head. When the ear is brought forward, it reaches to the inner corner of the eye on the same side. Expression is soft and reflects the characteristics of the breed: benevolence, intelligence and dignity.
Forehead and face are smooth and free of wrinkles. Slope of the stop is moderate but, because of the well developed brow it may appear abrupt in profile. The muzzle is clean-cut, broad throughout its length and deep. Depth and length are approximately equal, the length from tip of nose to stop being less than that from stop to occiput. The top of the muzzle is rounded, and the bridge, in profile, is straight or only slightly arched. Teeth meet in a scissors or level bite. Dropped lower incisors, in an otherwise normal bite, are not indicative of a skeletal malocclusion and should be considered only a minor deviation.
Neck, Topline, Body
The neck is strong and well set on the shoulders and is long enough for proud head carriage. The back is strong, broad, and muscular and is level from just behind the withers to the croup. The chest is full and deep with the brisket reaching at least down to the elbows. Ribs are well sprung, with the anterior third of the rib cage tapered to allow elbow clearance. The flank is deep. The croup is broad and slopes slightly. Tail-tail set follows the natural line of the croup. The tail is broad at the base and strong. It has no kinks, and the distal bone reaches to the hock. When the dog is standing relaxed, its tail hangs straight or with a slight curve at the end. When the dog is in motion or excited, the tail is carried out, but it does not curve over the back.
Shoulders are muscular and well laid back. Elbows lie directly below the highest point of the withers. Forelegs are muscular, heavily boned, straight and parallel to each other, and the elbows point directly to the rear. The distance from elbow to ground equals about half the dogs height. Pasterns are strong and slightly sloping. Feet are proportionate to the body in size, webbed, and cat foot in type.
The rear assembly is powerful, muscular and heavily boned. Viewed from the rear, the legs are straight and parallel. Viewed from the side, the thighs are broad and fairly long. Stifles and hocks are well bent and the line from hock to ground is perpendicular. Hocks are well let down. Hind feet are similar to the front feet.
The adult Newfoundland has a flat, water resistant, double coat that tends to fall back into place when rubbed against the nap. The outer coat is course, moderately long, and full, either straight or with a wave. Straight is more desirable. The undercoat is soft and dense, although it is often less dense during the summer months or in warmer climates. Hair on the face and muzzle is short and fine. The backs of the legs are feathered all the way down. The tail is covered with long dense hair.
Excess hair may be trimmed for neatness. Whiskers need not be trimmed although this is personal preference.
Colour is secondary to type, structure and soundness. Recognized Newfoundland colours are solid Black, Brown, Grey and White/Black. Colours for the show ring will vary from Country to Country.
Also there is the Irish Spotted, sometimes called a 'mis-mark' which is a black base coat, typical markings are white chest, white paws and white tip on the tail. This colour is less accepted in the show ring but is not a disqualification in UK.
Isabella (beige) which is a dilute colour of brown is not acceptable for breeding or showing.
Solid Colours
Blacks, Browns and Greys may appear as solid colours or solid colours with white at any, some, or all of the following locations: chin, chest, toes and tip of tail. Any small amount of white found at these locations is typical and is not penalized. Also typical are a tinge of bronze on a Black or Grey coat and lighter furnishings on Brown or Grey coat.
Isabella (beige) is not an accepted colour.
White base coat with Black markings. Typically the head is solid Black, or Black with White on the muzzle, with or without a blaze. There is a separate Black saddle and Black on the rump extending onto a White tail.
Markings, on either solid colours or Landseer, might deviate considerably from those described and should be penalized only to the extent of the deviation. Clear White or White with minimal ticking is preferred and more desirable.
Beauty of markings should be considered only when comparing dogs of otherwise comparable quality and never at the expense of type, structure and soundness.
Disqualifications Any colours or combinations of colours not specifically described are disqualified - White/Brown for example.
The Newfoundland is motion has good reach, strong drive and gives the impression of effortless power. His gait is smooth and rhythmic, covering the maximum amount of ground with the minimum number of steps. Forelegs and hind legs travel straight forward. As the dog's speed increases, the legs tend towards single tracking. When moving, a slight roll of the skin is characteristic of the breed. Essential to good movement is the balance of correct front and rear assemblies.
Sweetness of temperament is the Hallmark of the Newfoundland; this is the most important single characteristic of the breed.
Discuss with your Countries Kennel Club for up to date information regarding colour choices in the show ring.
General Appearance
The Newfoundland is a sweet-dispositioned dog that acts neither dull or ill-tempered. He is a devoted companion. A multipurpose dog, at home on land and in water. The Newfoundland is capable of draft work and possesses natural life saving abilities.
The Newfoundland is a large, heavily coated, well balanced dog that is deep bodied, heavily boned, muscular and strong. A good specimen of the breed has dignity and proud head carriage.
The following description is that of the ideal Newfoundland. Any deviation from this ideal is to be penalized to the extent of the deviation. Structural and movement faults common to all working dogs are as undesirable in the Newfoundland as in any other breed, even though they are not specifically mentioned herein.
Size, Proportion, Substance
Average height for adult dogs is 28 inches, for adult bitches it is 26 inches. Approximate weight of adult dogs ranges from 130 - 150 pounds, adult bitches from 100 - 120 pounds. The dogs appearance is more massive throughout than the bitch's. Large size is desirable, but never at the expense of balance, structure and correct gait. The Newfoundland is slightly longer than tall when measured from the point of shoulder to point of buttocks and from withers to ground. He is a dog of considerable substance which is determined by spring of rib, strong muscle and heavy bone.
The head is massive, with a broad skull, slightly arched crown, and strongly developed occipital bone. Cheeks are well developed. Eyes are dark brown. (Browns and Grey's may have lighter eyes and should be penalized only to the extent of that colour that affects expression.) They are relatively small, deep-set, and spaced wide apart. Eyelids fit closely with no inversion. Ears are relatively small and triangular with rounded tips. They are set on the skull level with, or slightly above the brow and lie close to the head. When the ear is brought forward, it reaches to the inner corner of the eye on the same side. Expression is soft and reflects the characteristics of the breed: benevolence, intelligence and dignity.
Forehead and face are smooth and free of wrinkles. Slope of the stop is moderate but, because of the well developed brow it may appear abrupt in profile. The muzzle is clean-cut, broad throughout its length and deep. Depth and length are approximately equal, the length from tip of nose to stop being less than that from stop to occiput. The top of the muzzle is rounded, and the bridge, in profile, is straight or only slightly arched. Teeth meet in a scissors or level bite. Dropped lower incisors, in an otherwise normal bite, are not indicative of a skeletal malocclusion and should be considered only a minor deviation.
Neck, Topline, Body
The neck is strong and well set on the shoulders and is long enough for proud head carriage. The back is strong, broad, and muscular and is level from just behind the withers to the croup. The chest is full and deep with the brisket reaching at least down to the elbows. Ribs are well sprung, with the anterior third of the rib cage tapered to allow elbow clearance. The flank is deep. The croup is broad and slopes slightly. Tail-tail set follows the natural line of the croup. The tail is broad at the base and strong. It has no kinks, and the distal bone reaches to the hock. When the dog is standing relaxed, its tail hangs straight or with a slight curve at the end. When the dog is in motion or excited, the tail is carried out, but it does not curve over the back.
Shoulders are muscular and well laid back. Elbows lie directly below the highest point of the withers. Forelegs are muscular, heavily boned, straight and parallel to each other, and the elbows point directly to the rear. The distance from elbow to ground equals about half the dogs height. Pasterns are strong and slightly sloping. Feet are proportionate to the body in size, webbed, and cat foot in type.
The rear assembly is powerful, muscular and heavily boned. Viewed from the rear, the legs are straight and parallel. Viewed from the side, the thighs are broad and fairly long. Stifles and hocks are well bent and the line from hock to ground is perpendicular. Hocks are well let down. Hind feet are similar to the front feet.
The adult Newfoundland has a flat, water resistant, double coat that tends to fall back into place when rubbed against the nap. The outer coat is course, moderately long, and full, either straight or with a wave. Straight is more desirable. The undercoat is soft and dense, although it is often less dense during the summer months or in warmer climates. Hair on the face and muzzle is short and fine. The backs of the legs are feathered all the way down. The tail is covered with long dense hair.
Excess hair may be trimmed for neatness. Whiskers need not be trimmed although this is personal preference.
Colour is secondary to type, structure and soundness. Recognized Newfoundland colours are solid Black, Brown, Grey and White/Black. Colours for the show ring will vary from Country to Country.
Also there is the Irish Spotted, sometimes called a 'mis-mark' which is a black base coat, typical markings are white chest, white paws and white tip on the tail. This colour is less accepted in the show ring but is not a disqualification in UK.
Isabella (beige) which is a dilute colour of brown is not acceptable for breeding or showing.
Solid Colours
Blacks, Browns and Greys may appear as solid colours or solid colours with white at any, some, or all of the following locations: chin, chest, toes and tip of tail. Any small amount of white found at these locations is typical and is not penalized. Also typical are a tinge of bronze on a Black or Grey coat and lighter furnishings on Brown or Grey coat.
Isabella (beige) is not an accepted colour.
White base coat with Black markings. Typically the head is solid Black, or Black with White on the muzzle, with or without a blaze. There is a separate Black saddle and Black on the rump extending onto a White tail.
Markings, on either solid colours or Landseer, might deviate considerably from those described and should be penalized only to the extent of the deviation. Clear White or White with minimal ticking is preferred and more desirable.
Beauty of markings should be considered only when comparing dogs of otherwise comparable quality and never at the expense of type, structure and soundness.
Disqualifications Any colours or combinations of colours not specifically described are disqualified - White/Brown for example.
The Newfoundland is motion has good reach, strong drive and gives the impression of effortless power. His gait is smooth and rhythmic, covering the maximum amount of ground with the minimum number of steps. Forelegs and hind legs travel straight forward. As the dog's speed increases, the legs tend towards single tracking. When moving, a slight roll of the skin is characteristic of the breed. Essential to good movement is the balance of correct front and rear assemblies.
Sweetness of temperament is the Hallmark of the Newfoundland; this is the most important single characteristic of the breed.
Discuss with your Countries Kennel Club for up to date information regarding colour choices in the show ring.
Here is a very informative link that gives some history to the breed about its beginnings and the colour genetics from where they began to where we are now. I think you will find this very interesting.